Student charter

The Charter outlines the commitments of the University and its expectations of its students during their time with Amity.

Amity will

  • Promote equality of treatment regardless of gender, race, age, disability sexual         orientation, religion or belief;

  • Recognise the needs of a multi-cultural and diverse student body and will endeavour to support those needs;

  • Provide opportunities for knowledge creation and exchange that aligns academic and professional practice;

  • Seek to provide a vibrant and collaborative environment that supports learning and self-development;

  • Consult and respect your views in the decisions affecting you, your studies and the community;

  • Take all responsible steps to provide a safe, secure and healthy environment free from harassment, bullying and discrimination.

  • Maintain and assure the academic standards and quality of its award;

  • Safeguard the personal information that you provide and comply with the requirements of the Data Protection Act;

  • Provide opportunities for you to contribute to the management and evaluation of the quality and operation of your programme of study;

  • Promote environmental protection and fair-trade;

  • Listen to and consider student opinion;

  • Provide you with a Student handbook detailing the procedures and practices of the University related to your study.

You as a student should

  • Make a commitment to your studies and fully utilise opportunities available to you for engaging in learning and student life;

  • Be respectful of your peers and Amity staff and help to create a positive and supportive learning environment;

  • Let us know what we can do to support your learning experience, informing the University at the earliest opportunity of any disability you have which may affect your opportunities as a student;

  • Be socially responsible in the multi-cultural and diverse community, living in harmony with the wider local community and ensuring you and those around you stay safe.

  • Make sure you are registered with a doctor locally;

  • Treat Amity with respect so as to avoid damage to the University premises, fittings and facilities;

  • Get involved and get active, through student representation on your course, by providing feedback on your programme of study and through the Amity Student Committee;

  • Comply with the University rules and regulations and, in particular, ensure that you notify the University of any criminal offences that you have or may receive;

  • Promptly pay your fees or charges when they are due;

  • Make the best use of the University and the city recycling facilities and consider issues relating to the environment and sustainability;

  • Make the most of the academic and extra curriculum opportunities available to you in order to realise your full potential as a member of the Amity community and as you move forward in your future career.